Grants for the Translation, Research and Publication of Korean Literary Works


Language Translators Original (Author) Publication
English Suh Ji-Moon & Daisy Lee Yang A Selection of Modern Korean Short Fiction
Tina Sallee A Selection of Short Fiction by Park Wan-Seo
French Kang Go-Bae & Patrick Maurus White Dress (by Lee Chong-Joon)
Tcho Hye-Young & Jacque Allais Everlasting Kingdom (by Lee In-Hwa)
Choi Mi-Kyung & Jean-No l Juttet La Petite Ourse (by Hwang Sun-Won) ditions Zulma, France
Lee In-Sook, Maryse Bourdin & Kim Kyung-Hee Talgung (by So Chong-In)
German Heidi Kang & Ahn So-Hyun Wind und Wasser (by Kim Won-Il)
Kim Hi-Youl & Ralf Deutsch Kein Platz auf Erden (by Choi In-Hoon)
Spanish Hyesun Ko de Carranza & Francisco Carranza Soul of Wind (by Oh Chong-Hee) El Colegio de Mexico, A.C., Mexico
Joung Kwon-Tae La ciudad inmortal (by Lee Hyung-Gi)
¡ØGrant for Publication : Siegfried Schaarschmidt & Chei Woon-Jung
"Die Sterne ber dem Land der V rter(by Ko Un)": Suhrkamp Verlag, Germany